Track Mask and Track Face Mask

 Track mask: Mask out the object you want and can track it's position, rotation and scale. This is a very useful technique.

A) Day scene

1) Create a new composition, import the footage, drag it to the composition and select it. Use pen tool to cut out the car. Keyframe mask path, adjust points along down most of the frames to track the car's motion.

2) After that, you can change the background without affect your object, here I change the background to black and white.

 3)Lastly, remove any logo or unwanted title.

B) Night Scene

1) Create a new composition, import the footage, drag it to the composition.

2) Adjust the exposure, brightness and contrast to make the scene darker.

2) Mask the front path of the road, and make it brighter cause there will be light up by the car's light.

3) Create some smoke fog effect.

4) Add a spot light from the top.

5) Track the car's front light motion.

6) Create car's spot light by using Video Copilot- Optical Flare

Link to the video:

Track Face Mask: After Effect cc 2015 comes with the new function of track mask.

1) Import the footage and key out the background.

2) Use pen tool to cut mask out the face and use the track face mask function can directly track it with out adjust mask frame by frame. Then brighten the face.

3) Add in a background and do some adjustment.

Link to the video:
